The Gospel of Luke for Certainty
May 6, 2018 Preacher: Hagop Tchobanian Series: Gospel of Luke: Certainty in Christ for Membership & Mission
Passage: Luke 1:1–4
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This passage is a one sentence prologue, that explains how Luke researched and wrote
this Gospel. He explains his sources and to whom he is writing and why. The purpose of writing this entire Gospel is for Theophilus to have certainty – or be convinced – of ‘these events’ that he has ‘been taught’ about. But to what end? Having certainty and then what? The rest of the Gospel of Luke will colour in the need for Membership & Mission. So, membership & mission only happen when you have certainty about the Gospel. Specifically, that it is the fulfillment of God’s promises from the OT. Do you have certainty about the Gospel? What are the evidences of having certainty? Membership in the Gospel Community & Mission Driven by the Gospel!
More in Gospel of Luke: Certainty in Christ for Membership & Mission
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