NOTICE: Our 10:30 AM worship service on February 16, 2025 has been cancelled due to inclement weather.
Our mission is to glorify our Triune God by proclaiming the whole Christ from the whole Bible to make whole Christians who reach the whole world.
Get to Know Us
Welcome! We're an evangelical church in Hamilton, Ontario. The Word of God is our sole source of authority. It is through this Word that 'we become wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus' (2 Tim. 3:15-16). This emphasis on Christ in all of Scripture coupled with our goal to delight and display God's glory defines us and our services. We gather weekly on Sundays at 10:30 AM to encourage and equip each other (10:00 AM during July and August). Our many different backgrounds are a foretaste of heaven, when a great multitude of people will gather before the Lamb who was slain (Rev. 7:9). Amid our diversity, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is what unites us.
One of the main themes in Ephesians is Paul's continual emphasis on our union with Christ. If you don't believe me, just sit down with your Bible and a pencil a...