Sermons from May 2020
Back to Sermon ArchiveMay 31, 2020
Foundations for the Fellowship of the Gospel
Preacher: Hagop Tchobanian Series: Philippians | A Fellowship Worthy of the Gospel Passage: Philippians 1:1–11
May 24, 2020
Come to Jesus for Rest
Preacher: Hagop Tchobanian Series: Stand Alone Sermon Passage: Matthew 11:28–30
May 16, 2020
God's Triumph through Resurrection, Weakness & Suffering
Preacher: Hagop Tchobanian Series: Daniel | Behold Our God Passage: Daniel 12
May 10, 2020
Knowing God: Standing Firm to the End
Preacher: Hagop Tchobanian Series: Daniel | Behold Our God Passage: Daniel 11
May 2, 2020
How Long, O LORD?
Preacher: Hagop Tchobanian Series: Psalter Sampler Topic: Psalms of Lament Passage: Psalm 13:1–6